Message: Living in Freedom

Colossians 2:16-23

Six Reasons the Bible is Valuable

1.    The Bible alone gives the true account of creation.

2.    The Bible alone gives a true and faithful account of man.

3.    The Bible alone gives us true views of God.

4.    The Bible alone teaches us that God has made a perfect and complete provision for the salvation of sinful man.

5.    The Bible alone explains the state of the world.

6.    The Bible alone gives an account of the God-man Jesus Christ.


J.C. Ryle, Old Paths

Thank You!!


There are no words that adequately express the gratitude we have for everyone who helped with VBS.  We are so very thankful for those who helped during the week, for those who helped construct and put-up decorations, those who furnished food and gave monetarily, and for everyone who prayed.  Please continue to pray that God will use the lessons, verses, and music in the lives of all who attended.


Our sympathy is extended to LeRoy Rust and his family at the loss of his brother, Edward Rust, who passed away July 11th.  A memorial service was held July 17th at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Rothschild, WI.  Please continue to remember the family in prayer during this time.

Sign-up to Help at the 2024 FBC Fair Booth

The Rock County Fair is July 24, 25, 26, and 27.  We plan to have a booth again and volunteers are needed to staff the booth.  A sign-up sheet is located on the table by the church office, two people are needed for each time slot.  Contact the church office (507-283-4091) with questions or for more information. 

Sunday, July 21st, 11:45am


Our Quarterly Business Meeting will be held Sunday, July 21st, following the morning service.  Financial reports will be given, as well as updates from our church boards and committees.  All are welcome to stay for the meeting.

Summer Camps at Shetek

Camp #4 (grades 4-5) July 22-July 26


Registered: Jameson Drost, Kinze Drost, Hannah Hess, Dominic Kellen, Calla Thone, Lainey Thone



Pray for the camps, for those who will be attending and for those helping with camp.  Pray for lives to be impacted by the Gospel and for kids to attend that do not know Jesus as their Savior.

BIG THANK YOU to all who have helped mow the church yard so far this year, you are greatly appreciated!  There are still some weeks open.  If you would be willing to mow, please sign your name on the sheet located on the table by the church office.  The dates are listed; you can choose the most convenient time and day for you within that week.  Again, thank you for your help!

Who is God?

God is the creator sustainer of everyone and everything.  He is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in his power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice, and truth. Nothing happens except through him and by his will.


Psalm 86:8–10,15

No pagan god is like you, O Lord. 

None can do what you do! 

All the nations you made 

will come and bow before you, Lord; 

they will praise your holy name. 

10 For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. 

You alone are God.

15 But you, O Lord, 

are a God of compassion and mercy, 

slow to get angry 


and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.